The practical training will focus on strategies for recombinant expression of proteins and complexes from construct design to large scale production with an emphasis on methods to study complex and difficult targets. Hands-on experiments will target over-expression of recombinant assemblies in eukaryotic cells using two viral expression systems: the baculo and the vaccinia virus expression systems (insect and mammalian cells, respectively). Participants will be encouraged (via a pro-active organization prior to the course) to bring material to produce and characterize their own targets, whenever possible.
14 participants will be encouraged to actively participate to the tutorial sessions. Priority will be given to post-doctoral researchers and PhD students facing protein production problems in their home institution.
The selection of the candidates is based on skills, experience and a motivation letter which should show that the candidate is suitable for the course and has a need to apply these techniques for his project.
People who are interested in applying for the practical workshop have to register to the symposium and send their motivation letter and CV to
Céline KLEIN and Marie-Christine POTERSZMAN.
Deadline for application: October 2014, 27th